Precinct Chair Responsibilities
Volunteer to be a local leader! The position of Precinct Chair is considered to be the most essential leadership role in a political party, as it is the Precinct Chair who has day to day interaction with the voters in their area. Each county is divided into precincts; there are currently 15 in Montague County.
Identifying and registering voters in your Precinct
This is an exciting opportunity to meet your neighbors, get to know your neighborhood, and also a chance to get some great exercise. Most Precincts are easy to walk in a day or two depending on your pace, fitness level, and your engagement level. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet a neighbor who is willing to walk with you!
Informing voters as to political events, and helping turn out the vote
The Montague Republican Party has monthly meetings and big events that you could invite your neighbors too. This is a great way for them to get involved and stay up to date with what is going on in politics. Turning out the Republican vote is important to every election and the best way to do that is to have an active Republican Precinct Chair.
Attending meetings of the County Executive Committee
As a Republican Precinct Chair you are entitled to a vote at the County Executive Committee meeting. You are able to help decide on matters that effect your county party. These are also great strategy and educations sessions on how to be a great Precinct Chair in your county.
Working at the polls and/or recruiting poll workers
One of the best ways to meet people in your Precinct is to work the polls at elections. Your friends and neighbors will have a chance to meet and talk with you. This also help ensure election integrity.
Precinct Chairs must be a resident of that precinct in order to qualify for a place on the ballot. Precinct Chairs are elected in the Republican Primary. If unopposed, they do not appear on the ballot, but are considered elected that day. If more than one person files for Precinct Chair, the voters of that precinct decide.
The filing period for Precinct Chairs runs from September until mid-December. If elected, the Precinct Chair will serve a two-year term commencing 20 days after the Primary Run-Off Election as per Texas Election Code.